Founder and general chair, IEEE COMCAS
Chair, IEEE Israel Section
Member of the BoG, IEEE SA
Chair, Israeli Society of Electronics Engineers
AEAI Honorary Life Member
Consultant, IAI Elta Systems
Shmuel Auster (IEEE M ‘89, SM ‘99, LS 1.2022) is the chairman of the IEEE Israel Section (since February 2020), and the founder and general chairman of the IEEE COMCAS series (since 2008).
Mr. Auster served as R&D Manager at IAI/Elta (2006-2020). He previously served as Chief Scientist at Elbit/Elisra (1980-2006). From 1993 to 2000 he represented Elisra as a director in the Israeli GaAs/MMIC Consortium and was appointed as chairman of the Technical (R&D) Committee at this Consortium.
In November 2022 the IEEE Standards Association (IEEE SA) BoG appointed Shmuel Auster to serve as a member of the Board of Governors (BoG) in 2023 and 2024. Mr. Auster served as the IEEE SA Liaison to the IEEE MGA Board in 2021 and 2022. He is a voting member of the Strategic Management & Delivery Committee (SMDC).
Mr. Auster is a member of the IEEE Region 8 Standards Coordination Committee since 1.2023.
Since January 2010 Mr. Auster serves as the chairman of the Israeli Society of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Director at the Association of Engineers and Architects in Israel (AEAI), and a member of The Council for Engineering & Architecture, Ministry of Economy, Government of Israel.
Mr. Auster was awarded “Honorary Life Member” by the president of AEAI on 11.2020.
Mr. Auster served as a director (BoD/ExCom member) at The Standards Institution of Israel (SII) (2016-2019).
Mr. Auster has over 30 years of experience serving the IEEE, including organizing/chairing conferences and serving as IEEE Section chair and AP/MTT Chapter Chair. He was the vice-chair of EuMC1997, the vice-chair of the international IEEEI 2008 and IEEEI 2010 (IEEE Israel Section Convention) and the vice-chair of IEEE HISTELCON 2015. Since 1996 he has served as a member of numerous organizational and technical program committees (IEEE COMCAS, HISTELCON, EuMC, EuMIC, MIKON, MELECON, SIBIRCON, and MRRS).
Shmuel served as a member of the EuMC Management Committee (1997-2000) and the EuMA/EuMW Steering Committee (2006-2012, as IEEE MTTS representative). He has been also a member of four MTT-S AdCom committees (Since 2009) and was appointed to serve as the IEEE R8 MTT-S Chapter Ambassador to Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Turkey, and Israel.
He was a reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, a member of the IEEE Access Journal editorial board (2012-2015), and the Scientific Editor of leading technology magazines in Israel. Mr. Auster is a board member of the Israeli Association of Periodical Press (IAPP).
Mr. Auster has served as chairman of the IEEE AP/MTT Israel chapter since August 2003. In 2007 Shmuel founded and has since chaired a series of the highly successful IEEE COMCAS International Conference on Microwaves, Communications, Antennas, Radar, Electronic Systems, and Biomedical Engineering, co-sponsored by four IEEE Societies, IEEE Region 8, EuMA, and AEAI.
On 11.2020 he received a “Certificate of Appreciation” from IAI Elta and on 12.2020 from GalEl. On 4.2018 he received a “Certificate of Appreciation” from the Technion. In 2011, 2014, and 2015 he received a “Certificate of Merit” from the Faculty of Engineering of Ben Gurion University, and was awarded an “Honorary Member” of the Shenkar College of Engineering, where he served as the chairman of the advisory committee of the Department of Electronics Engineering. He previously received IEEE MTTS (4 times), IEEE EMCS, and IEEE Region 8 certificates of appreciation. In 2015 Mr. Auster received the IEEE ComSoc Certificate of Appreciation and in 2009 and 2016 he received the IEEE President’s certificates of appreciation.
Shmuel is a member of the Industrial Forum (IAP) of the Faculty of Engineering, Tel-Aviv University, and of the Advisory Committee of the Faculty of Electrical and Computers Engineering, Technion, Israel.
Mr. Auster holds a B.Sc. (1980) and M.Sc. (1986) in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Tel Aviv University and a degree in Engineering Management (IMC, Summa Cum Laude, 1993).
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Dear Friends of the Nano community, participants, presenters, and invited speakers,
After careful consideration and as a result of the ongoing security situation in Israel, we have decided that it is in the best interest of everyone involved to reschedule the event.
These are the new dates:
We understand the impact this may have on your plans and appreciate your understanding during these challenging times.
Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to hosting a safe and successful NANO.IL.2026.
* Please note – registered participants and sponsors: Paid registration and signed sponsorship contracts will be valid for the new dates as well.
Should you decide to cancel your registration or sponsorship, the fees previously paid will be refunded; however, we cannot guarantee the same rates for the new 2026 dates.
Prof. Danny Porath
Conference Chairperson
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Prof. Meital Reches
Conference Co-Chairperson
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Mr. Haim Rousso
Conference Co-Chairperson
El-Op former CEO
Mr. Rafi Koriat
Conference Co-Chairperson
Israel National Nanotechnology Initiative