3D Meets NANO.IL.2024

3D Meets NANO

NANO.IL.2021 conference & exhibition, to be held in ICC JERUSALEM Convention Center, October 4-6, 2021.
NANO.IL.2021 conference’s third day, October 6, 2021 will include a special symposium devoted to the field of 3D.

The field of 3D printing, also known as Additive Manufacturing, has attracted a lot of attention in both academy and industry. New unique materials are being developed, and together with the recent breakthroughs in printing technologies, have given rise to new exciting applications. Printing at high resolution and high speed, at submicron to meters-size objects, along with utilization of multi materials and responsive objects (4D printing) resulted in implementations in various fields such as biomedicine, aerospace and aeronautics, food and soft robotics. The next industrial revolution is here!

Shlomo Magdassi, a professor at the Institute of Chemistry, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel will deliver a plenary lecture titled: From Gutenberg Bible to 4D printing. Currently he is the Head of the Functional & 3D Printing Center at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His research focuses on formation, formulation and applications of micro and nanoparticles in various fields, including mainly in, 2D, 3D and 4D printing. Some of his research led to industrial applications such as commercial products and establishing new companies.

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New Dates for NANO.IL.2026

Dear Friends of the Nano community, participants, presenters, and invited speakers,

After careful consideration and as a result of the ongoing security situation in Israel, we have decided that it is in the best interest of everyone involved to reschedule the event.

These are the new dates:

10-11 March, 2026 | ICC Jerusalem

We understand the impact this may have on your plans and appreciate your understanding during these challenging times.

Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to hosting a safe and successful NANO.IL.2026.

* Please note – registered participants and sponsors: Paid registration and signed sponsorship contracts will be valid for the new dates as well.
Should you decide to cancel your registration or sponsorship, the fees previously paid will be refunded; however, we cannot guarantee the same rates for the new 2026 dates.


Prof. Danny Porath
Conference Chairperson
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Prof. Meital Reches
Conference Co-Chairperson
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Mr. Haim Rousso
Conference Co-Chairperson
El-Op former CEO

Mr. Rafi Koriat
Conference Co-Chairperson
Israel National Nanotechnology Initiative