Professor Gadi Eisenstein serves as the director of the Technion Russel Berrie
nanotechnology Institute since 2013. He is also a member of the management committee
of the newly established Hellen Diller Quantum Center.
Professor Eisenstein received his PhD in 1980 from the University of Minnesota and then
joined the AT&T Bell Laboratory Crawford Hill Research Laboratory where he worked
for 10 years before joining the Technion Electrical Engineering Department in 1989.
Professor Eisenstein is a world leader in the field of semiconductor lasers and amplifier
dynamics and noise. He has pioneered many of the relevant fields including
semiconductor optical simplifiers at Bell Labs, the concept of carrier transport in high
seed semiconductor lasers which established the speed limitations of quantum well and
quantum dot lasers. More recently, he pioneered the field of quantum optics in room
temperature quantum dot ensembles which is a route towards practical devices for
quantum computing and information processing. Other major topics he is working on are
chip scale atomic clocks, nonlinear photonic crystal waveguides and electrical
characteristics of diode lasers.
Professor Eisenstein has published more than 350 papers in scientific journals. He was
awarded numerous prizes including the AT&T Bell Laboratories Research Achievement
Award, The Alexander von Humboldt Award (twice), the IEEE Photonic Society
William Streifer Scientific Achievement Award, and the Wolfgang Mehr Fellowship at
IHP, 2020. He was elected Foreign Member at The Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed
Arti in 2012.
Paragon Team
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Dear Friends of the Nano community, participants, presenters, and invited speakers,
After careful consideration and as a result of the ongoing security situation in Israel, we have decided that it is in the best interest of everyone involved to reschedule the event.
These are the new dates:
We understand the impact this may have on your plans and appreciate your understanding during these challenging times.
Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to hosting a safe and successful NANO.IL.2026.
* Please note – registered participants and sponsors: Paid registration and signed sponsorship contracts will be valid for the new dates as well.
Should you decide to cancel your registration or sponsorship, the fees previously paid will be refunded; however, we cannot guarantee the same rates for the new 2026 dates.
Prof. Danny Porath
Conference Chairperson
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Prof. Meital Reches
Conference Co-Chairperson
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Mr. Haim Rousso
Conference Co-Chairperson
El-Op former CEO
Mr. Rafi Koriat
Conference Co-Chairperson
Israel National Nanotechnology Initiative